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General Information regarding ACVAA Abstract Submission and Presentation – 2022

Deadline for abstract submission has been extended to  11:59 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) April 25th, 2022.

It is of utmost importance to comply with formatting guidelines. Failure to do so will delay the abstract review process and final response to authors.


Written Abstracts

Abstracts should represent original material related to the science, scholarship of teaching/learning, and/or the practice of anesthesia and analgesia. Abstracts of previously published or presented materials will not be considered. For example, an abstract presented during the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA) meeting must not be submitted. Abstracts are limited to 250 OR 300 words. Authors must indicate their word limit preference during the submission process, as well as take full responsibility for any consequences resulting from this choice. Authors should be aware that for some journals, the publication of abstracts greater than 250 words constitutes prior publication.

Please do not ignore spacing guidelines (see below) in order to meet the word limit. All abstracts will be submitted using the online process. For more detailed abstract guidelines, please see the ACVAA Abstract Guidelines below; this information will also be available at the ACVAA, ACVS, and submission websites.

Single case reports will not be accepted. Authors may contact the abstract program coordinator(s) with any questions during the submission process.


Evaluation Process

Abstracts must be submitted electronically by the specified deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted. The corresponding author will receive an electronic receipt confirming their abstract was received. Abstracts failing to comply with formatting guidelines will be returned to the author(s) without review (see below; please pay particular attention to spacing). Re-submissions will only be accepted PRIOR to the abstract submission deadline.


Two reviewers will evaluate each abstract using a standard scoring form. Abstracts are assigned with all potential conflicts eliminated. Conflicts include but are not limited to: co-authors, co-workers (or previous), research advisors, and mentors. Reviewers from the same institution as the authors will also be avoided. Identification of potential conflicts will be the task of the editor(s). Reviewers will be blinded to authors and their affiliations for the entire review process. A third reviewer will be assigned whenever possible, otherwise the editor(s) may serve as additional reviewers when agreement is not reached by the original two assigned reviewers.


Oral Presentation

It is recommended that presentations be hypothesis-driven and conform to a format similar to that of the written abstract. Specifics regarding submission of the presentation and times allocated for abstract presentation and questions will be made available to authors following acceptance of the written abstract.


Poster presentation

Authors may have the option of abstract presentation at a joint ACVS-ACVAA poster session. You will be invited during the acceptance phase of the process if you are eligible for poster presentation.


ACVAA Resident Award

To be considered for the ACVAA resident award, the presenter must be in an approved ACVAA or ECVAA residency training program at the time of abstract submission, or have completed their training program within the same calendar year as their abstract submission. All trainees (MSc, PhD, interns, students, etc.) will be recognized as such in the program, but only ACVAA or ECVAA residents will be eligible for the ACVAA resident awards.


The ACVAA resident award committee will evaluate and recognize the two most outstanding oral presentations given by an ACVAA or ECVAA resident (one award for each room). The award committee will be made up of 3 individuals in each room, and scheduling of presentations will be arranged to ensure that all reviewers are able to review all eligible resident presentations whenever possible. Under circumstances where this is not possible, additional reviewers may be recruited such that 3 reviewers will evaluate each presentation while avoiding potential conflicts as mentioned previously. Each presentation will be graded based upon standard scoring criteria.


Contact Information

For questions regarding the requirements for the ACVAA abstracts, please contact Dr. Lane Johnson at