Location: Suffolk, UK
Institution: Rossdales Equine Hospital
Specialist in Equine Anaesthesia
Rossdales is seeking a dedicated veterinary surgeon to take a lead role in anaesthesia provision in our busy and renowned equine veterinary hospital.
The successful candidate will be a team player and integrate with our multidisciplinary specialist team.
Role overview – To provide a clinical anaesthesia service including support for the interns performing general anaesthesia. To integrate with the team and provide expertise on critical care. To assist other clinicians in the delivery of intensive care and pain management.
The main aspects of this role include (but are not limited to):
- Provision of general anaesthesia and chemical restraint.
- Providing supervision and training for the interns in anaesthesia.
- Taking responsibility for equipment used for general anaesthesia.
- Assisting other clinicians in the delivery of intensive care and pain management.
- Performing out of hours service to support the junior intern.
- Ensuring excellent communication with clients.
- Ensuring excellent communication with referring vets, and to offer advice and expertise as required.
- All aspects of critical care and intensive care for adults and foals.
- Ensuring veterinary reports are written and sent promptly.
- Maintaining appropriate contemporaneous medical and anaesthetic records.
- Assisting colleagues in the ambulatory practice if required (for example field anaesthesia and pain management).
- Contributing to clinical governance and quality improvement of anaesthesia.
- Sharing knowledge and expertise within the Rossdales team.
- Lecturing and teaching – client events, CPD and conferences as required.
- Carrying our clinical research and publishing as appropriate.
- Assisting in other areas of the Practice as required.
Our critical care patients encompass all age groups and we have a busy neonatal caseload with excellent facilities for both neonatal and adult intensive care.
Clinicians are supported by a highly skilled nursing team and hospital-based interns.
Applicants should hold or be eligible for a further qualification in Veterinary Anaesthesia at European or American Diploma level, and preferably hold or be eligible to apply for RCVS recognised Specialist status.
Salary will be commensurate with experience. This is ideally a full time position, however part time working will also be considered.
For further information please see the full job description at: https://www.rossdales.com/assets/files/Associate-Anaesthesia-Job-Description-August-2021.pdf
Application Process and Timeline
If you would like to discuss the role please contact Cat Mackenzie by email on catriona.mackenzie@rossdales.com or call 01638 577754
To apply, please submit your Curriculum Vitae and a letter of application to recruitment@rossdales.com
Closing date:Friday, 15 October, 2021