Resident Portal
Diplomate Portal


BOD Minutes March 2023

BOD Minutes Feb 2023

BOD Minutes Jan 2023


BOD Minutes December 2022

BOD Minutes November 2022

BOD Minutes October 2022

BOD Minutes September 2022

BOD Minutes August 2022

BOD Minutes July 2022

BOD Minutes June 2022

BOD Minutes May 2022

BOD Minutes April 2022

BOD Minutes March 2022

BOD Minutes Feb 2022

BOD Minutes Jan 2022

December 2021

November 4, 2021


Old Business

  1. NAVAS business agreement
  2. Nominations for NAVAS representative
  3. ACVAA exam updates : committee, cost , blueprint, simulator, job task analysis
  4. VAA BOD meeting update
  5. Career achievement award – amended P&Ps

New Business 

  1. Requested alliance with Canine Arthritis Management
  2. Website – updates , logs,  etc

November BOD meeting minutes

October 7, 2021


Old Business

  1. ACVAA Business meeting  review: Nominations; Voting; Financial advisor
  2. Document storage system updates
  3. VAA BOD update
  4. NAVAS business agreement

New Business

  1. Review Awards P&P documents
  2. Job Task Analysis and Exam Review – Budget review
  3. Alliance with CAM
  4. ACVAA BOD  chair for 2022

October BOD meeting minutes

September 2, 2021


1-Review of the Exam Committee’s Cut Score recommendations /approval

Old Business 

1-Student awards update

2-Document storage system update

3-US/guided locoregional blocks – statement

4-  VAA BOD update

5-Nominations  update

6-Budget review

New Business

1-Post-exam survey responses

2-ACVAA business meeting update /plan

3-ACVAA nominated NAVAS representative

4- ECVAA  diplomate  division of specialty

September BOD meeting minutes

August 5, 2021


1-Owners of VetVacations will speak to the BOD of their company and services

Old Business 

1-2022 ACVAA Board Exam discussion

2-Management company options/treasurer

3-Update on nominations  for Secretary, P-E , directors

4- VAA/ACVAA BOD nominations

5-President’s Award –  nominations

6-Update on cooperation between NAVAS/ACVAA for future CE opportunities

7- Final vote  on proposed amendment  re candidate’s manuscript for publication

8–Fundraising/sponsorships/annual meeting cmte updates

9- Update on ACVAA /ACVS agreement for 2022

10. Financial advisor – steps moving forward

New Business 

1-Journal acceptance for credentials /open access

2-Post Board exam survey

3-Increase in exam fees?

4-Emeritus request

August BOD meeting minutes

July 1, 2021


Old Business

1- IVECCS/ACVAA relationship-communication with the membership

2-ACVAA exam update

3-Special accommodation request for exam update

4-MatrixAMC update

New Business

1-Exam FAQ document

2-ACVAA appointed NAVAS rep

3-ABVS liaison position

4-Appointment of VAA Business BOD members

July BOD meeting minutes 

June 3, 2021


Old Business

1-Administrative management team for the ACVAA- MatrixAMC presentation

2- Financial advisor update

3-Student awards

4- Re-organization of ACVAA membership from  geographic regions  to other options for nominations

5-ACVAA exam update


New Business 

1-Central location for storage of ACVAA documents

June BOD meeting minutes


May 6,2021


Old business

1-Management company for ACVAA/Addition of Treasurer

2-Investment options-

3-Student awards updated

4-ACVAA exam update

5-Regional organization  of ACVAA membership

6-ACVAA-IVECCS 2021 plan

7- VAA board of directors plan

New Business


2- Electronic access to BOD related documents – central storage for ACVAA documents

May BOD meeting minutes

April 1, 2021

Old Business

1- ACVAA-ACVS  meeting proposal

2- Student awards -tabled

3-Bylaws changes re -manuscript

4-Exam info documents to candidates

5-  Financial planning update

6-Communication with membership

7-VAA proposal/task

8- Organization of ACVAA  Regions

New Business

1- ECVAA loco regional videos -access

2-Management company for ACVAA

3-ACVAA funding for resident NAVAS membership

4- Trademark renewal

April BOD meeting minutes

March 4, 2021

1)Re-evaluate budget bi-monthly

2)Investment update

3)VAA/Elsevier/AVA contract and meeting

4)Trademark infringement

5)Approval of MPOC document as P&P

6)Manuscript requirement  changes of bylaws

7)Prometrics exam review

8)Information packet for exam candidates

9)Website VAA access

10) “Go away COVID’ Foundation drive

New Business

1) ECVAA locoregional webinar series -post to ACVAA

2) ACVA/ACVAA meeting 2022

3) Organization of regional directors /members

4) Management company for ACVAA

5) ACVAA student NAVAS membership?

6) Emeritus requests

March BOD Meeting Minutes


February 4, 2021


1)Financial update- seeking advice for appropriate investments for ACVAA

2) Update on ACVAA/IVECCS meeting

3)Update on PHOS -website resolutions

4) Foundation

5) VAA/Elsevier Contracts

6) Marietta practice trademark infringement

7) Committee assignments

8) NAVAS funding -MOU document

9)Manuscript requirement

10)Credentials committee P&P

New Business

1) P&P document to address ABVS exam transparency

2) NAVAS application  for ACVAA endorsement

3) Prometrics proposal for exam review assistance

4)Committee end-of -year  statements

5) Mentoring committee

February BOD meeting minutes

January 7, 2021


Old Business 

1) IVECCS-ACVAA meeting scheduled for Jan. 22, 2021

2) Sponsorship of NC Pain Conference-

3) VAA: a) Contracts, Scholarships for editors

4) Fundraising  P&P updates

5) PHOS updates /resolutions

New Business 

1) 2021 ACVAA Annual Budget

2)ABVS 3 Year report

3) Donations to the ACVAA

4) Standards setting process

5) Management company for ACVAA

6) NAVAS Voting

7) Update on Committee assignments

8) Agenda Items  for the VSOC meeting

January BOD meeting minutes

December 10, 2020

Old Business

1)ACVAA Election Results

2)Cease and Desist letters

3)Exam Candidate Survey

4)IVECC-ACVAA meeting update

5)ACVAA Sponsorship

6)Contribution/Sponsorship of NC Pain Conference

New Business

1)VAA Contracts

2)2020 Credentials  for 2021 Exam

3)New Bylaws  for maximal times  candidates can sit exam

4)NAVAS voting

5)Donations fot ACVAA

6)Standards Setting process

7) Management company for ACVAA

December Board Meeting Minutes

November 5, 2020

Old Business 

1) ACVS surgery summit – discuss future relationship with ACVAA

2) Cut Score CMTE update

3) Update coming director election

4) Update on ACVAA/ACVIM -cardiology discussion

5) Cease and desist letters sent

New Business 

1)Review and approve Prometric invoice

2)Sponsorship for ACVAA – Plan

3)ACVAA contribution /sponsorship for NCState pain conference

4)Credentials Committee -clarification of questions submitted

5)Follow up survey of exam  for exam candidates

6)Emeritus request

7) Practitioner certificate of anesthesia

Minutes November 2020 monthly Teleconference

October 1,2020

Old Business 

1) ACVAA conference wrap up

2) Website update

3) Trademark infringement

4) 2021 Exam review

5) Statement on the supervision of technicians performing locoregional blocks wrap-up

6)ACVAA-NAVAS liaison appointment

New Business 

1)ACVS summit

2)BOD communication with membership

3)IVECCS/ACVAA relationship- address membership concerns

4)Cardio/Anesthesia discussion

5) Upcoming nominations and election  for ACVAA directors


October BOD meeting minutes


September 3, 2020

Old Business

1) ACVAA Business meeting

2) 2020 Exam update

3) ACVAA guideline on supervision of technicians/nurses when performing locoregional blocks:  Any feedback from membership?

4) Website update

5) BOD nominations

6) 2021 ACVAA exam and review

New Business

1) Relationship between ACVAA and ACVS (ACVS summit)

2) Trademark infringement (technician/practice in Georgia) update

3) President’s award ? ( in addition  to Career achievement)

4) Information item on NAVAS Bylaws change


September BOD Meeting Minutes

August 6, 2020

Old Business

1)ACVAA/IVECCS updates

2)ACVAA business meeting

3) 2020 ACVAA exam

4)ACVAA guidelines on supervision of technicians when performing advanced  techniques.

5) 1st Annual NAVAS symposium

6) Website (MOC entry, log entry, feedback from PHOS)

New Business

1) 2021 ACVAA exam and review- Colin (20 min)

2)Nominations for new directors  for Region 3 and At-Large

August BOD Meeting Minutes


July 2, 2020

Old Business

1) ACVAA/IVECCS updates

2)Website update

3)ACVAA exam updates  and proctor evaluations –

4)ACVAA business meeting- Date/Time?

5)Anesthesia guidelines update

New Business

1)Communication between ACVAA BOD and membership

2)Update on Spring virtual meeting

3) Sponsorship of Veterinary Pain Conference

 July BOD Meeting Minutes

June 4, 2020

Old Business

1)ACVAA Annual Meeting updates

2) BOD meeting platform

3) PHOS proposal for website maintenance

4) ACVAA anesthesia guidelines

New Business

1)Submitting case logs to website for 2020 residents

2) Annual business meeting

3) Opinion on U/S guided nerve blocks by nurses update

4) ABVS 3 year report

June BOD Meeting minutes

May 7, 2020

Old Business

1) COVID-19 impact on meeting residency training and credentialing

2)MOC document finalization

3)Certifying  exam update

4)ACVAA anesthesia guidelines update

5)Update on U/S guided nerve blocks being performed by nurses

New Business

1)New meeting platform

2)Submitting case logs to website for 2020 residents

3)Virtual ACVAA annual meeting

4)ABVS 3 year report

May BOD meeting minutes 


 April 4, 2020


Old Business

1)Certifying  exam updates, MCQ CMTE, possible dates, hotel accommodations for Sept/Oct

2)Maintenance of certification exam for those not meeting requirements

3)Update on business meeting in St. Louis

4)response to Midmark regarding ACVAA anesthesia guidelines

New Business

1)COVID-19 and effects on timelines ad requirements for residency training


3)NAVAS/ACVAA shared listserve

4)Date for dues delinquency -should we extend?

5)Emeritus request

April BOD meeting minutes  

March 5, 2020

Old Business  

1) Website update  2) MOC update  3) Business mtg 2020 IVECCS

New Business

1) Request for BOD input, ultrasound guided nerve blocks by technicians 2)College input about financial support for resident review 3) BOD opinion re. U of Edinburgh – offering on line certificate in Anesthesia for Vets and Techs 4)NAVAS/ACVA-L email forum that is being investigated 5) 2020 Budget 6) AVMA request for comment FDA regulations compounding bulk substances 7) BOD comment for AVMA proposed language  that defines the role of an anesthesiologist,  board certified specialist  8/ Use of CBD in rabbits

  March Board Meeting Minutes

February 6, 2020

Administrative  Business

1) Approve agenda; Approve minutes of the January teleconference

New Business

1) MOC update  2) 2019 ACVAA Financial  report 3)   NAVAS/ACVA-L email forum that is being investigated 4)  ACVAA annual business mtg IVECCS 2020 –discuss separate day mtg  ( what day/ time ?) with reception off site 5)  Request for BOD input on ultrasound guided nerve blocks by technicians  6) BOD opinion re. U of Edinburgh – offering on line certificate in Anesthesia for Vets and Techs  7) NAVAS progress report    FYI to BOD:  Second appeal of credentials rejection upheld by appeals cmte

 February  Board Meeting Minutes

January 2, 2020

Administrative Business

1)  Approve Agenda, Approve minutes to the December teleconference 2)   Discuss/decide on date and times of future meetings

Old Business 1) Website update 2) VAA ACVS residency training requirements and Diplomate feedback 3) AVTAA request for ACVAA endorsement 4) VSOC funding for database

New Business 1) Appeal decision to credentials rejection 2) A request for BOD opinion about ultrasound nerve blocks by technicians 3) ACVAA 2020 Financial report

January Board Meeting Minutes


Financial report for 2019

December 5, 2019

Administrative Business 
1. Approve agenda, 2. Approve minutes of November teleconference

Old Business

1)Website update 2) ACVS residency training requirements and diplomate feedback 3) AVTAA request for ‘endorsement’ by the ACVAA 4) Education Committee P&P  5) 2020 ACVAA BOD Chairperson 6) Mentoring committee

New Business

1) VSOC funding for database 2) Computer for Database manager 3) Exam Re-design  ad -hoc committee  4) 2019-2020 voting results

December Board Meeting Minutes

November 7 , 2019

Administrative Business
1. Approve agenda, 2. Approve minutes of October teleconference

Old Business
1)Website update  2) NAVAS/ACVAA Memorandum of Understanding for Future Meeting Roles 3) ACVS residency training requirements and Diplomate feedback 4) AVTAA request for ‘endorsement’ by the ACVAA  5) IVECCS Resident Review Honorarium

New Business
1) NAVAS Practice Anesthesia Review  2) Education Committee P&P 3) 2020 ACVAA BOD Chairperson 4)  Mentoring committee – Dr. Love 5) Credentials Committee decision – Dr. Schroeder

November Board Meeting Minutes

October 3, 2019

Administrative Business
1. Approve agenda,  Approve minutes of August teleconference

Old Business
1) Website update  2) IVECCS meeting followup items (2020 scheduling, Annual Meeting Cmte thoughts)  3) Clara Rigotti documents and resident written exam training program 4) NAVAS/ACVAA Memorandum of Understanding for Future Meeting Roles 5) MOC document and cmte formation update, feedback from meeting discussion

New Business
1) ACVS residency training requirements and Diplomate feedback 2) Annual Meeting and relationship with IVECCS 3) ACVAA Elections and helping Alex with Simply Voting 4) AVTAA request for ‘endorsement’ by the ACVAA

October Board Meeting Minutes

September Annual Business Meeting, 2019

Annual Business Meeting Presentation

August 1, 2019

Administrative Business
Approve agenda, Approve minutes of July teleconference decide  BOD mtg for September

Old Business
1.Website update 2.Bylaws revision Re: repeated attempts update 3.IVECCS meeting update

New Business
1.Clara Rigotti DECVAA calling in to discuss written exam training program  2.NAVAS/ACVAA Memorandum of Understanding for Future Meeting Roles

August Board Meeting Minutes


July 11, 2019

Administrative Business
Approve agenda, Approve June BOD minutes

Old Business
1. Website update 2. MOC review – 3. Update on appointment of NAVAS representative 4. Feedback on Bylaws change – re; certifying exam, repeat attempts 5. IVECCS meeting update New Business 1. Nominations, decisions for President’s award 2.

July Board Meeting Minutes


June 6, 2019

Administrative Business
Approve Agenda, Approve May BOD minutes

Old Business
1.Website update 2. MOC documentation update 3.Update appointment of NAVAS representative 4.Re-visit committee reimbursements, per diems 5. AVTAA/ACVAA liaison committee update 6. Update Trademark costs 7. Revisit regional organization of diplomates New Business 1. Bylaws change – repeated attempts at certifying exam 2.

June Board Meeting Minutes


May 2, 2019

Administrative Business
Approve Agenda, Approve April BOD minutes

Old Business
1) Website update 2) approval of PHOS updated  agreement and spending 3) MOC documentation details – 4) Finalize appointment of ACVAA/ NAVAS representative 5) Update Education CMT request for funds at IVECCS – 6) Update on dues payments 7) Revisit committee reimbursements and per diems New Business – 1) Possibility of Resident review recordings for website content 2) Discussion about Regional organization of ACVAA membership and regional BOD directors; input from VSOC 

May Board Meeting Minutes


April 4, 2019

Administrative Business
1. Approve Agenda, 2. Approve minutes of March teleconference

Old Business
1. More update NAVAS – Kurt 2. Website update –  3. CDs update – 4.  Update- Education CMTE request for funds at IVECCS –  5. MOC documentation details- Sebastien 6. Sponsorships to ACVAA – logos for website, vendor lists   7. Update AVTA request to ACVAA – for special event- Lynne – 8. Trademark  Board Certified  Specialist VAA- 

New Business
1. Revisit committee reimbursements, per diems-  2. FYI – another emeritus Dr. Harvey

April Board Meeting Minutes


March 7, 2019

Administrative Business
1. Approve Agenda 2. Approve minutes of March teleconference Old Business 1. More update NAVAS –   2. Website update –   3. CDs update –  4. Update- Education CMTE request for funds at IVECCS   5. MOC documentation details- Sebastien 6. Sponsorships to ACVAA – logos for website, vendor lists 7. Update AVTA request to ACVAA – for special event-   8. Trademark Board Certified Specialist VAA-   New Business 1. Revisit committee reimbursements, per diems-   2. FYI – another emeritus Dr. Harvey

March Board Meeting Minutes


February 7, 2019

Administrative Business
Approve Agenda, Approve January BOD minutes

Old business
1. Update on Letter to NAVAS president requesting report for ACVAA BOD and membership and NAVAS response – 2. P&P for Emeritus Diplomate Status possible vote -3.  Website update- 4. Savings account interest for ACVAA money- 5. 2019 Budget

New Business
1. Three emeritus requests- 2.  DECVAA   issue  re.  ACVAA 3. Regions discussion 4.  Appeals committee   response to candidate   FYI

February Board Meeting Minutes


January 3, 2019

Administrative Business
Approve Agenda, Approve December BOD minutes. Establish / reaffirm day and time of BOD meetings for 2019

Old business
1. Update- Trademark  for Board  Certified  Specialist in Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia  2. Update on teleconference between ACVAA/NAVAS current state of affairs  3.   Letter to NAVAS president requesting report for ACVAA BOD and membership; ACVAA diplomate representative  for ACVAA/NAVAS BOD to succeed Nancy Brock –  4.  P&P for Emeritus Diplomate Status possible vote  5. Website update–

New Business
1. Voting Region P&P for 2019 – 2. Develop a P & P and/or bylaws language for choosing NAVAS representative in the future 3. Increase in payment for Executive Secretary duties – 4. Savings account interest for ACVAA money- 5. ACVIM nephrology/urology subspecialty; 6.  Any topics for discussion for Khursheed  to present to the VOSC/ABVS meeting in February?  7.Memo from ACVS to ACVAA re involvement on ACVS summits ; 8.  Financial report 2018  9. A new ACVAA CE endorsement  of  CE  Equine anesthesia, analgesia 

January Board Meeting Minutes

2018 Financial Report

Board Minutes Archive